Who can register?
Our league is open to Thornhill residents, as well as anyone outside of Thornhill, as long as spaces are available. If there is a minimum age in a division, you must meet that requirement on January 1st of the registration year. New registrants may be required to provide valid proof of age.
If you have any questions, please contact us at: thornhillslopitch@gmail.comHow to Register
- Create an Account: Before you can register for league play, you must first create a user account. If you don't have a user account yet, click "Login" at the top right of this page and then click the "No account? Create an account" link on that page. Note that you will need a valid email address to proceed.
- Your profile (and your user group) We need some basic information about you (including your contact information) in order to determine which division(s) you are eligible to play in. You can also enter player profiles on behalf of friends and/or family members.
- Registration Dates Registration generally begins early in the New Year, usually in the first week of January. Previous season's returning players are eligible to register slightly earlier than new players, and at reduced "loyalty" pricing. Registration is generally offered until a session is full ... if a session is full, you can enrol on a waitlist for that session.
- Online Player Registration: If you are logged in to our website, you will see a top-level "Players" menu item that will direct you to our league registration and payment system. Payments are accepted through Paypal's secure system, and you can use any major credit card (or your Paypal account, if you have one) to pay.
What team(s) will you play on?
Frankly, we don't know yet. Thornhill Slo-Pitch is very recreational, and values participation over competition.
Teams are put together by the league in order to provide the best competitive balance possible.
In fact, we often "re-balance" after a few games to keep things fair. On the other hand, we always
endeavour (although we cannot guarantee) to accommodate your requests to play with family members or a friend.
We do not accept team entries, although we welcome their players.
TSP operates 4 regular divisions (Co-Ed; Ladies; Masters (men 40yrs+); and Men's) and organizes a one day Mid-Season Fun Tournament in July, if parks are available.